Klarna Online Banking
Our direct bank transfer solution is used for domestic sepa and sepa instant.
Klarna online banking. Klarna is initiating payments between consumers and merchants accounts over the past 15 years. Usually no costs are incurred for using pay now with direct banking in an online shop. Intro to open banking. Through an integration with klarna s open banking platform krea s customers are able to connect their bank data directly to their loan applications.
There is no need to store any sensitive details such as confidential login details and confirmation code and they are never visible to the merchant or any other third party including klarna as well as. The tpp merchant can create a session and within it run multiple flows such as a balance retrieval flow and a transfer flow. This is also confirmed by the 2012 online payment study carried out by the ehi retail institute which concluded that pay now with direct banking then known as sofort banking is the online payment method for which merchants are least likely to charge a payment fee. Die eingabe deiner online banking daten erfolgt auf der sicheren bezahlseite der sofort gmbh auf die die händler keinen zugriff haben.
Die online banking zugangsdaten wie pin und die tan sind niemals für den händler oder dritte einschließlich klarna und für mitarbeitern der sofort gmbh einsehbar. By klarna solution allows tpps merchants to access the consumer s account information data or initiate transfers.